New LED display joins fray at Piccadilly Circus

New LED display joins fray at Piccadilly CircusPiccadilly Circus is one of London's most iconic areas, all thanks to its wealth of large scale displays advertising various firms. Now TDK has decided that its own outdoor screen is going to be completely revolutionised as it is switching to LED technology to improve efficiency and sustainability.

The LED display will be erected as part of a collaboration with Barco, MT2 and Beaver Solutions, with the result being a sizeable screen which covers around 100 square meters.

The new TDK hoarding will not be the first LED display to grace Piccadilly Circus and it will not even be the first installation carried out by this team, as three years earlier a new sign was added to take advantage of cutting edge technology.

TDK will be taking full advantage of the LED display, using it to playback content using the Scala management system, operated by Beaver Solutions, which is based in Hertfordshire.

The display will be made up of multiple LED tiles and this particular Barco model is recognised for its ability to provide superior contrast levels, resulting in bright whites and dark blacks when viewed from almost any angle.

The LED tiles are lighter than the system which they are replacing, which means the building which acts as a mounting post for the display will not be damaged or impacted in any way. A total of 378,000 pixels will be present on the finished LED display, giving a fine degree of detail for passersby to enjoy.

MT2's Neill Macklin, explained that energy efficiency was a big concern for modern signs in Piccadilly Circus and pointed out that the Barco LED tiles had been selected because, even amongst fellow LED manufacturers, it has the edge when it comes to lessening energy consumption.

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